PDIADI | National Driving Instructor Development

Ray Seagrave – How Adapting Your Lesson Plan Can Make or Break Your PDI Part 3 and ADI Standards Check, and 10 Tips to Get It Right.

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Hi it’s Ray,

One of the leading reasons for failure in both the PDI Part 3 and the ADI Standards Check is an inflexible lesson plan. You may have already experienced this. In these assessments, the ability to adapt is not just a mark of a skilled instructor; it’s a requirement outlined by the DVSA.

A rigid plan can lead to uncomfortable or even unsafe situations for the pupil. If you’re unable to shift gears when necessary, it indicates a lack of competence that could result in a failed assessment. Understanding how to adapt your lesson plan to fit your pupil’s needs, mood, and skill level can be the difference between passing and failing these crucial assessments of your ability to train to a high

Here are 10 tips that could help you align your teaching strategy with the DVSA’s expectations, making sure you adapt effectively during lessons.

1. Active Listening
Tune into what your pupils are saying. If they’re voicing any concerns, seem puzzled, or their body language is suggesting discomfort, it’s a cue for you to adapt your lesson plan accordingly.

2. Conduct Regular Check-Ins
Don’t wait for issues to come up. Periodically ask questions as they practice or in feedback at the side of the road to gauge how your pupils are feeling. This can guide you in making timely adaptations to your lesson.

3. Read Non-Verbal Cues
Pupils may not always verbalise their discomfort. If you notice body language that suggests confusion or stress, it’s time to change your approach.

4. Have a Plan B (and C)
Prepare multiple lesson plans for different scenarios. If the original isn’t working, you can switch to another without causing confusion or losing valuable time.

5. Clarify and Confirm
Check the pupil’s performance against their self-assessment. If there’s a disconnect, adapt your plan to bridge the gap between their perception and actual skill level.

6. Immediate Response to issues and successes.
Stubbornly sticking to the initial plan when the pupil is obviously getting it or if issues arise, is a bad idea. Address successes and issues in good time as they appear, modifying your lesson when necessary to provide the needed guidance or a change of route.

7. Utilise Teachable Moments
If an unexpected situation arises that can serve as a learning opportunity, seize it. These real-world examples can be invaluable and justify a deviation from the original plan.

8. Solicit Feedback
Incorporate the pupil’s wishes and concerns into your teaching. Coach them with effective questioning to find out what they’re now getting or struggling with and adapt your plan to focus on the pupil’s area of need.

9. Be Transparent
Always communicate why you’re making changes to the lesson plan and agree them with your pupil. This helps the pupil understand the rationale behind the adaptation, reinforcing the learning process and keeping them motivated and engaged with any changes.

10. Reflect and Refine
After each lesson in the de-brief, take time to assess what worked and what didn’t. What did the pupil learn and where did that learning come from? This reflection will help you improve your adaptability and set goals for future lessons.

By mastering these 10 aspects, you’re not just ticking off boxes on an assessment sheet; you’re becoming a more effective instructor. This improved adaptability will not only help you pass your assessment but also enable you to offer better, more personalised instruction for all your pupils.

If you are interested in improving your training skills to do this better, start now! Getting training a few weeks before a Standards Check or Part 3 assessment can be too late. Your skills develop should be a continuous thing throughout your career. You improve with a focus on your development and practice over time so they become part of your ‘unconscious competence’

This is where I have helped many instructors and I can also help you. Check out my upcoming workshops in Lesson Planning, Risk Management and Teaching & Learning Strategies in my ‘Events’ page where these and many other training skills are covered.

Tap below to see my events 👇

Ray Seagrave ADI Training


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