PDIADI | National Driving Instructor Development
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 @ 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
£25.00 ShareAs you may already know, the pass rate for Part 3 of the ADI qualification is very low, and most qualified ADIs receive a Grade B. The reason for this is simple: it all starts with lesson planning. If you have not been taught how to structure a lesson, then your chances of failing increase. Many PDIs believe that a presenter with a diagram is a lesson plan, but this is not the case. It is potentially a teaching aid, but many diagrams on the market are simply a series of cartoon images providing information about a topic and MSPSGLADA. Consider this: a client is expected to remember how to apply MSPSGLADA after a ten-minute briefing, but they may not even remember the first sentence you used to describe the topic you are going to brief them about.
I will provide you with a lesson planning structure that will enable you to create a great driving lesson that will not only work for your Part 3 & SC but also for any lesson. If you practice using this structure, lesson planning will become second nature to you.
This online training session is an opportunity to experience my training at a very affordable price.