Knowsley Inn and Lounge, Ribblers Lane, Knowsley. L34 9HA
Learn how to achieve the best score on your part 3 or standards check. This week we will be discussing how to choose the correct… candidate topic or lesson areas and routes
Understanding how to plan a lesson for your Standards Check or Part 3 is essential for gaining a Grade A. Lesson planning should include an understanding of your training areas’ critical control points (situations in which you could expect issues of driving faults to occur) As you work with the learners regularly, you should understand […]
•Do you have your test coming up and you’re wondering what it’s going to look like? •Feeling unsure of what the examiner is looking for on the lesson? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! During this zoom training session, we’ll have a look at what your lesson can look like, what’s expected of you, and […]
Night One: Mon 12th May @6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Lee will help you gain a crystal-clear understanding of what’s required to help you overcome the issues you may be currently experiencing with your exams. With Lee’s no-nonsense and logical approach, you’ll leave this session with not only a fresh outlook but also techniques and […]
Discovering the skills required for a successful Standards Check or Part 3 assessment can be daunting. This session will help break the skills required into manageable chunks, exploring how polishing simple skills will help you deliver a grade-A session. Understanding how to achieve individual coaching/teaching skills affects your overall result will help you develop your […]
Knowsley Inn and Lounge, Ribblers Lane, Knowsley. L34 9HA
Top tips for a successful test day, including your learners test, your part 2 and for your part 3 or standards check. What is best practice? When should you turn up? What else can be the tipping point Let’s get rid of those myths.