This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Scaling' in a fresh new way. Scaling can be as basic as 4 out of 5 stars or even a score of 8 out of 10. - OR It can be a way for a multitude of […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Scaling' in a fresh new way. Scaling can be as basic as 4 out of 5 stars or even a score of 8 out of 10. - OR It can be a way for a multitude of […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Scaling' in a fresh new way. Scaling can be as basic as 4 out of 5 stars or even a score of 8 out of 10. - OR It can be a way for a multitude of […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Scaling' in a fresh new way. Scaling can be as basic as 4 out of 5 stars or even a score of 8 out of 10. - OR It can be a way for a multitude of […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]
This is a certificated Zoom Workshop delivered by Fiona Taylor. In this workshop, Fiona will be looking at 'Mind Mapping' in a fresh new way. Mind Mapping (or Brain Mapping, Spray Diagrams or Spidergrams) are a way to get information ‘out’ before ordering and collating it into a useful format for development. Once you unleash […]