PDIADI | National Driving Instructor Development

Graham Hooper – Lesson planning, your reflection and self-evaluation

Lesson planning, your reflection and self-evaluation



In my previous blogs about lesson planning, I have been looking at the competencies involved that demonstrate that you are lesson planning.

You should spend time if you are practising and preparing for your part 3 or standards check reflecting on what you are doing. Videoing yourselves may be a useful way for you to identify your strengths & weaknesses. You may find that getting an experienced ORDIT registered trainer to observe your lessons and give you constructive feedback. You could also consider reviewing your lessons with a trainer via Zoom.

Breaking down the way you deliver your lessons so that you can focus on specific areas, rather than everything can prove to be very useful. To start with just focus on lesson planning.


Did you identify the pupils’ learning goals and needs?



What questions did you ask to identify the goal?

What did you do that met this competence?

What was missing?

What will you change next time to help you improve & develop?

On a scale of 0-10, where is your confidence level currently on meeting this competency?

If you scale yourself less than 10 what is the gap between your number and 10?


Was the agreed lesson structure appropriate for your pupil’s experience & ability?


Did you ask the pupil how they want to set about achieving their goal?

Did you adapt to suit the pupil’s needs experience and ability?

What did you do to meet this competence?

What was missing?

What will you do next time to improve & develop?

Repeat the scaling exercise.


Were the practice areas suitable?



Did you plan a good route, what was good about it and what wasn’t?

Could the pupil cope with the route that you chose?

Were there enough places to pull up to discuss whether the learning outcome is being achieved?

What did you do that meets this competence?

What was missing?

What will you need to do next time to improve & develop?

Repeat the scaling exercise.


Was the lesson plan adapted, when appropriate, to help your pupil work towards their learning goals?


Did you notice if the pupil became overwhelmed?

Did you need to change the lesson plan?

What did you do to meet this competence?

What was missing?

What will you do next time to improve?





What do you still need to learn? How can you achieve this? What support do you need? How will you evaluate your success? What timeframe do you need to complete this reflection process on lesson planning?

If you want help and guidance then please contact Graham Hooper or peruse his training courses on PDIADI.COM