PDIADI | National Driving Instructor Development

Getting Started with Zoom: A Guide for Workshop Attendees

1. Preparing for the Workshop:

  • Download Zoom:
  • Before the Workshop, ensure you have the Zoom application installed on your device. You can download it from the official Zoom website (https://zoom.us/download).
  • Create an Account (Optional):
  • While you don’t necessarily need a Zoom account to join a meeting, creating one can give you additional features, and it’s free. You can sign up on the Zoom website.

2. Joining the Workshop:

  • Meeting Link:
  • You will receive a meeting link from the workshop organisers. Click on this link to join the Zoom meeting.
  • ID and Password (if applicable):
  • If the meeting is password-protected, you may need to enter the provided Password before joining. Check the email or invitation for these details.
  • Join from Browser (Optional):
  • You can join the meeting from your web browser if you prefer not to download the Zoom application. Click on the link provided and follow the on-screen instructions.

3. Configuring Audio and Video:

  • Audio Settings:
  • Once in the meeting, make sure your audio is working. You can join with computer audio or use the dial-in option if you cannot connect via computer audio.
  • Video Settings (Optional):
  • You can choose whether to start the meeting with your video on or off. Click the camera icon in the bottom left corner to toggle your video.

4. Navigating the Zoom Interface:

  • Meeting Controls:
  • Familiarise yourself with the Zoom controls. You can find buttons for muting/unmuting, turning your video on/off, and more at the bottom of the Zoom window.
  • Participants Panel:
  • The Participants panel shows a list of attendees. Click on “Participants” to see who else is in the meeting.
  • Chat Feature:
  • Use the chat feature to send messages to everyone or privately to specific participants. Click on “Chat” at the bottom of the Zoom window to access this feature.

5. Participating in the Workshop:

  • Raising Your Hand:
  • You can use the “Raise Hand” feature if the host asks for input or questions. Click on “Participants,” find your name, and click “Raise Hand.”
  • Engaging in Discussions:
  • Be mindful of the meeting etiquette. Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking to minimise background noise.

6. Troubleshooting:

  • Technical Issues:
  • If you encounter technical difficulties, use the chat to inform the host or seek assistance. They can guide us to resolve common issues.
  • Zoom Help Center:
  • You can visit the Zoom Help Center (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us) for more detailed assistance guides and troubleshooting tips.

7. Leaving the Meeting:

  • End Meeting:
  • Click “Leave Meeting” in the bottom right corner when the Workshop concludes. If you’re the host, you may have the option to “End Meeting for All.”

Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated a Zoom workshop. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the workshop organisers. Enjoy your virtual learning experience!